On the blog page you'll find relateable stories, photos, a sprinkling of science tidbits and examples of actions you can take to lessen your impact on the sea which supports us all.

I'm Sara, and I hope my story inspires more care for our environment. I'm on a mission to communicate why we should care about the ocean and increase awareness of how our actions on land directly impact it.

I speak for the seas.

Your Actions Matter.

Evidence of human impact is everywhere, from the highest peaks to the deepest depths of the sea. The research is clear, the state of our environment, is not good. It's such an overwhelmingly huge problem that we are rendered to feel helpless, but there are certainly ways in which we can act. Remember, you can make a difference with your POSITIVE ACTIONS.


There's something everyone can do,
so lets get to it. 

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Why Speak for the Sea?

I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees for the trees have no tongues.

Dr. Seuss


If you haven't heard of The Lorax, a timeless children's book, it's a colourful, amazingly illustrated story of the plight of the environment in the hands of corporate greed. A young boy living in a polluted area, visits a man called the Once-ler who tells the boy the story starting with his arrival in a beautiful valley containing a forest of Truffula trees and a range of animals

The 'Lorax' is the main character, who "speaks for the trees" and confronts the 'Once-ler', who begins to cut all the Truffula trees down causing rapid environmental degradation. Towards the end of his story the Once-ler at last realizes out loud what the Lorax was trying to communicate before he left.

MM"Unless someone like you cares an awful lot, nothing is going to get better, its not."

He shares this sentiment, then gives the boy the last Truffula seed and urges him to grow a forest from it, saying that, if the trees can be protected from logging, then the Lorax and all of his friends may come back.

My mission is to inspire the inner Lorax in everyone, so we speak up for our environment and tell world leaders and government what means the most to us; we can't expect the earth to be able to look after us if we don't look after it.
